"Astau" – originally Kazakh, wooden utensils, dish for serving beshbarmak, pilaf, meat, and a sheep’s head. In astau beshbarmak stays juicy and hot longer, and the beautiful design of the wooden dish adds a special flavor and gives an elegant look to the festive table.
In our salons you can buy astau of various shapes and sizes, design for every relish and an extensive price category. We have a wide range of products from classic astau with carved handles or Oyu ornaments, to exclusive gift options featuring stylized animals, decorated with complex carved elements.

Dishes and plates
Here you can buy or order sizes from small portion plates to large dishes intended for serving meat and vegetable cuts, baursaks or kurt, Eastern sweets. You can buy plates from us individually for each guest, or special plates for children.
Serving our wooden dishes will complement the astau on the table with beshbarmak, create a common composition, emphasize the refined taste of the hostess and care for health.
We can also make individual plates or trays for your restaurant, for serving steaks, appetizers and specialty dishes.

Kumys sets
Traditional dishes to treat guests with kumys – tegesh with ozhau and kese. Here you can buy tegesh as standard sizes from 2 to 6 liters, and on a special order for 15-25 liters, decorated with rich carvings. Masters of "Black" preserved the unique ancient technology of manufacture tegesh. A beautiful wooden bowl is decorated with Kazakh ornaments on the outside and covered with a wooden lid, which is also decorated with national patterns.
We make tegesh’s with a removable metal bowl that prevents contact between wood and liquid. Thanks to her tegesh can be poured cold and hot drinks, use utensils for the long feasts!

Kitchen appliances
For your convenience, when serving beshbarmak, we have developed a special collection of wooden appliances.
So, for transfusion of kumys (ayran, shubat) from tegesh in kese or pouring sorpa, use ozhau (a scoop with a long handle, made from a single piece of wood decorated with patterns, there are double and single).
For applying beshbarmak in plates, tongs and a fork are convenient. Mainly purchased in the set-tongs, fork and ozhau!

Kazakh tables
Nowhere is the openness of the Kazakh people expressed so vividly and fully as in the time-honored traditions and customs of hospitality and festive treats for guests-dastarkhan. It has long been a custom of the Kazakhs to treat a guest richly, to seat him in the most honorable place. It was considered shameful not to give a hand to a person in a difficult moment, not to do him good, not to let him spend the night, not to buy him.

One of the mandatory attributes of family life among the Kazakh people is a chest. It is used for storing blankets, bedding, and other household items and decorations.
Since ancient times, chests were made of wood and decorated with carvings with national ornaments.
Masters of LLP "Black" have studied traditional artistic techniques and based on the centuries-old experience of folk craftsmen, are engaged in the manufacture of exclusive chests of hard wood, decorated with Kazakh ornaments. This product will not only be a great decoration for the family Shanyrak, but also an indispensable household item.

National cradle
"Besik" - the cradle, is considered a sacred relic of every family. In most cases, it is given to the grandson by relatives on the mother's line "Nagashy"! Besik is carefully stored in the house and passed from generation to generation.
Sometimes a son may be lucky enough to sleep in the cradle in which his father once slept. When the child is first placed in the cradle, the ceremony "besikke salu" ("laying in the cradle") is performed.
The right to carry out such a responsible mission is entrusted, as a rule, to a specially invited wise and respected grandmother who has numerous offspring.

Cases for dombra
Dombra case is a special author's idea of our company. This is a handmade gift item designed for storing and carrying a musical instrument – dombra.
The case body is made using a special typesetting technology, which makes the product easy to carry. Inside, the case is lined with bright red velvet, which gently protects the dombra inside. Neat little locks on both sides are securely closed, and with a convenient handle on the side, you can hold the case.

Wall pictures
The wall panel is a work that embodies the history and symbols of the native Land of Kazakhstan: stylized Kazakh ornaments, the sun, eagles and horses, the expanses of the steppe and the beauty of the “Borovoe” Mountains. Each panel has its own creative idea and descriptive characteristics. Especially popular are non-standard works with three-dimensional relief: images of the Golden man, khans, warrior’s, natural or animal themes.
Handmade wooden panels will decorate any interior and bring a national flavor to your home or office. This is a chic gift that can be given to the hero of the day, and as a sign of attention or congratulations to any organization.

Spec. ordering
You can also contact us, if you have special requests or want to make someone a special gift. Wood is a special material from which you can create an infinite number of interesting products.
Our collection includes a working wooden lock with a height of 1.5 meters, a Minbar for the mosque, various stands and unusual interior elements, gift items and even a throne for the President. You can order our branded handmade products for business, for your restaurant or office, for your family or a respected chef.
Bring us your idea and let's make it a reality.

Manufacture of exclusive products made of natural wood
Since 1989, the company specializes in the production of interior items and traditional Kazakh utensils in the national style-Kazakh folding tables, national cabinets and cabinets for storing dishes and things - asadal, kebezhe, chests of various sizes.
The main purpose of the furniture is to furnish and decorate yurts and various rooms in the traditional Kazakh style.
Also, the main direction is the production of national dishes-astau-dish for serving beshbarmak, various bowls and plates, kymyz sets, devices for serving meat and various products and dishes.
All products are author's developments of the company, exclusive in their execution.


Astau is a native Kazakh wooden dish, a dish for serving beshbarmak, pilaf, meat, and the head of a mutton. The main advantage of ecological tabac is that in this dish beshbarmak does not cool down for longer, and the wood gives an elegant look to the festive table.
Previously, the Kazakhs had a custom: the head of the family, in which the baby will soon be born, went to the master and ordered him “Astau”. By the time the baby was born, the dishes should have been in the parents ‘ house. And years later, when a grown-up son or daughter created their own families, parents, along with a common dowry, gave their children these dishes. It was believed that it was charged with magical power that could protect the house and family of the heir from evil spirits and misfortunes.

Hospitality – one of the most ancient and inviolable customs of the Kazakhs – konakasy-the guest’s rights to food and accommodation. A person who violated this custom could be brought before the court of elders and pay a considerable fine for violating it.
Thanks to this tradition, any person could easily travel across the steppe, knowing that they would be accepted everywhere, fed, made a bed, and looked after and looked after the horse. Konakasy was a mandatory rule for every Kazakh family, regardless of its welfare.

The first Kumys
In the spring, when the Kazakhs went to Zhailau-a summer nomad, it was time for the first kumys. People sit around a large table and, with a wish of “Baylar cobeysyn!”, were treated to Mare’s milk. Then it was time for the celebration of the first kumys – kymyzmuryndyk, for which Mare’s milk was fermented for nine days, adding fresh milk to it. The celebration lasted several days. The right to try the first kumys always belonged to the oldest woman and only then the kumys was passed to the others.